Why Do I Need a
Blogging Strategy?
Blogging is at the core of any inbound marketing strategy. Your website relies on well-written, evergreen posts to not only stay ahead of its competition but to also generate more traffic, leads, and sales. A blog writing strategy also positions your brand as an industry thought leader, allowing you to forge better relationships with your audience.
Professional marketers often link a buyer’s journey to a marketing funnel. Blogging is one of the first and most effective tools at the top of that funnel for pushing interested customers along in their buying process. Its effectiveness in drawing conversions (e.g., prompting a sign-up or a purchase) is the reason it's the top priority for 55% of inbound marketers.
Drive SEO
Google’s algorithm favors websites who consistenly post fresh, high-quality content.
Generate Leads
Companies who blog regularly generate four-and-a-half times
more leads.
Build Trust
Blogs are the fifth most trusted source for online information because of their personified nature.
Build Authority
Writing about topics within your niche positions your brand as a trustworthy, knowledgeable source.
Measure Your Website’s Performance
Ready to increase your website’s visibility and outrank competitors?
Increase Your Visibility
and Your Results
Through a well-defined blog creation strategy, Front Porch Solutions can grow your website’s authority and help maximize client interaction. We’ll handle all the strategizing from the early stages of topic ideation and keyword research to creating and editing your posts to publishing and optimizing for better search performance.
Have questions about your content marketing strategy? Let’s talk!
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