Digital Marketing for Paving Companies: 5 Strategies You Need to Try

We understand how confusing digital marketing can be. Online marketing for paving companies has transformed rapidly in recent years: today clicks drive sales. Entire strategies exist around optimizing your social media pages, website, and email sequences. The result is an online landscape that can be difficult to navigate and nearly impossible to understand fully. On top of that, the lack of significant market shareholders in the industry means there’s stiff competition between players. The following five strategies to optimize digital marketing for paving companies offer powerful, lead-generating ammunition that can transform your asphalt or paving business.

Effective Digital Marketing for Paving Companies

Whether you’re looking to increase overall web traffic, improve the frequency or quality of your lead generation efforts, establish a professional social media presence, or reach more potential clients, these strategies drive online marketing for paving businesses.

  1. Use Ads to Drive Traffic

    Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising instantly drives traffic straight to your landing pages. Typically fulfilled through Google Ads, this advertisement model allows you to broadcast customized ad content across Google, above the first organic listing. First, we build out a comprehensive keyword planner, reverse-engineering the search engine process to determine the most popular, most trafficked searches for your industry across the board. This keyword planner is consolidated to only include keywords with the lowest cost-per-click bids and highest potential search volumes. From there, we turn your paving PPC ads loose and continually optimize, while interested parties are directed to your best landing pages.

  2. Make Sure Your Paving Website Ranks

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) puts your paving website in front of the right eyes. We use techniques aimed to increase website activity and achieve high-ranking search engine placement. First, we comb online search trends and available keywords specific to the paving industry, before naturally incorporating terms with the most potential into your website. In coordination with SEO copywriting – a specialized form on content that grabs readers’ attention with specific, targeted keywords – we adopt a long-form approach to your website ranking, ensuring that your landing pages rank well.

  3. Stay Relevant with Social Media Marketing

    Social media marketing leverages the power of your paving company’s online presence and brand authority. Optimized well, your social media profile can speak volumes about your service potential, especially when associated with positive client reviews on the same platform. Our team is familiar with targeted ads across every major social platform: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. We draft social content calendars that allow your brand to speak to its strong points. Social media ads reach users across mainstream social channels according to target parameters, including age, gender, location, and specific interests.

  4. Optimize Your Paving Website Design and Content

    If your online presence were to represent a conversation with a potential client, your website is the handshake. Ask yourself – what are my paving company’s strong points? Those strong points should headline your website through engaging content and growth-driven design. This vision begins with a team of web developers focused on realizing your clear-cut goals. The result establishes a forward-thinking online brand that increases web traffic quality and quantity without an intimidating price tag.

  5. Incorporate Email Marketing

    We’re not talking about the annoying email spam that you can’t delete fast enough. We’re talking about targeted, dynamic email content sent to clients you know are waiting for it. Done correctly, email marketing for paving companies works as a functional extension of your brand voice. Pair voluntary sign-ups with valuable product and service information, the latest in industry news, exclusive offers, and relevant content. With your list in hand, you can deliver unobtrusive value straight to the inbox of past purchasers, brand enthusiasts, or otherwise interested parties.

If you’re in the market for a brand refresh, Front Porch Solutions is the facelift your paving company has been searching for. Our dedicated team of agency professionals is already familiar with the nuances that come with advertisements across the paving industry; we’ve served as the marketing backbone behind successful paving companies for years. If it’s time to bring your paving business into the twenty-first century, get in touch with our team today.

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