How to Write a Blog Post Like The Pros

By Caitlin Behrens

5 min read

Google contains a trove of information for users to mine through, which means your blogging strategy needs to be on its A-game. If you’ve never learned how to write a blog post, it can feel very foreign, even if you’re an expert on your topic. Below we will discuss the importance of writing blog posts and offer a step-by-step guide for you to follow!

Why Should You Learn How to Write a Blog Post?

Most entrepreneurs aren’t bloggers by nature, so writing doesn’t always come easy. But, the impact of great blog posts cannot be ignored!

  • Blog posts enhance search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.
  • Blog posts and other website content such as free guides and case studies make for great social shares.
  • Blog posts establish authority in your industry and help you become a thought leader.

Follow our ultimate guide below to learn how to write a good blog post!

1. Planning

Before you begin, you’ll want to have a clear plan-of-action, so you stay on topic while writing. As we mentioned, enhancing SEO efforts is one of the major benefits of blogging, but to reap these benefits, you have to be mindful of the keywords and phrases you use. Google attempts to match web pages with users’ search queries. There are a lot of keyword research tools that can help you find what topics your target audience is searching for and the exact words and phrases they’re using in their search. We recommend Google Keyword Planner and Moz Keyword Explorer to begin formulating blog post ideas and related keywords. Once you’ve narrowed down a few topic ideas, select one and create a content outline containing the keywords you intend to use.

illustration of a gentleman staring at calendar

2. Writing

As with all pieces of great content, your writing should be relevant, informative, and grammatically correct. We suggest writing in a Google Doc or another word processor with an auto-save option since you never know when technology will glitch! Begin your blog with a compelling post title. You need a great headline to hook a reader, so make sure it’s informative, to-the-point, and not clickbait!

In the body, use lots of subheadings and break your content into smaller sections. This makes it easier for your audience to read through your post. Bonus tip, search engine result pages (SERPs) with bullet points or numerated lists tend to perform better. Lastly, include a direct and compelling call-to-action (CTA) with clear instructions on their next steps in your conclusion.

Another pro tip: write your intro last! Even with a content outline, it can be hard to capture the gist of your blog post before you have it down on paper.

3. Adding to Website

While the Google Doc spell checker will catch some of the more apparent typos, you’ll still want to run your blog through Grammarly for more advanced issues such as conciseness and readability. Then, you’ll want to run your content through a plagiarism checker. Google imposes penalties on plagiarized content, which can seriously hinder your SEO performance.

close-up of a laptop

Once you’ve reviewed your content, you can begin adding it to WordPress or whatever website host you use. Here are a handful of the formatting steps our bloggers take to ensure their content is well-optimized:

  • Use keyword in H2 Text
  • Set a compressed feature image
  • Add a compelling meta title and meta description
  • Select a blog category
  • Add internal and external links

4. Final Review then Publish!

You’ll want to have a second set of eyes proofread your content before publishing. Doing so is an easy way to catch any typos and errors on the back-end that slipped through the cracks. Once your blog passes its final inspection, publish or schedule it to your site. Whenever possible, we recommend preparing blogs 1-2 months out from their actual publication date. Once it has published, be sure to share your blog post on social media and with email lists to get it in front of as many people as possible!

As formulaic as blogging may seem, it requires a lot of preparation and attention to detail on the writer’s part to ensure each piece of content is moving the brand closer towards its marketing goals. Front Porch Solutions is well-versed in creating blog posts that increase Google search results and drive customers along in their buyer’s journey! Contact our office for help creating an effective content marketing and copywriting strategy.

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