A Guide to 2020 Social Media Trends

As 2020 rolls in, there are no signs of social media marketing slowing down. You can expect a total of 2.96 billion social network users in the new year. With this steady growth, we will continue to see the same social media platforms at the top of the list, as well as a few new contenders. Continue reading to learn how you can align your content marketing strategy with the 2020 social media trends.

Upcoming 2020 Social Media Trends

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn are here to stay, but there are some new things to pay extra attention to as we ring in the new year. Check out this list of upcoming trends on our favorite social media platforms, and a couple growing social channels to pay close attention to.


In 2019, 25 percent of the world’s population shopped for a product online. Facebook Marketplace is an increasingly prevalent avenue for small businesses and large companies alike to advertise and sell goods. Marketplace users are already looking to buy a product, so you’ve already bypassed the first steps of the selling process. Users also have the ability to narrow their search through price and location, and it’s a great way to strengthen brand awareness. Implementing Facebook Marketplace in your 2020 social media strategy has the potential to pay off.

82% of internet traffic will come from video by 2020, so competition will continue to be fierce in capturing your audience’s attention. The upside is that there are countless ways to engage your audience through video. Whether it be through GIFs, Facebook live videos, Q & As, or even behind the scenes videos, you can add more visuals in your social media marketing strategy.


By 2020, influencer marketing is expected to become a $5 to $10 billion industry, so make the most of influencer marketing by researching the influencers in your niche to decide who’s the best candidate to promote your brand and products. Start by comparing their morals with yours, and check the demographics of their followers to make sure they fall within your target audience. From there, you can determine how much you’ll be paying per post, but on Instagram, you can generally expect to pay $10 per 1000 followers.


LinkedIn reached over 610 million users in 2019. As the professional networking site continues to grow, social media marketers will need to become more engaging. Establishing relationships with other industry professionals through LinkedIn will make your presence more genuine, so be sure to share relevant articles and comment on your connections’ posts to grow your audience and generate more leads.

Niche platforms

Reddit is a community-oriented platform where users come together based on shared interests. Reddit describes itself as the “front page of the internet” where people create accounts and discuss topics they enjoy. Users can “upvote” or “downvote” a post based on whether they enjoyed the content, which is how Reddit decides how posts are ranked and displayed. The post with the most upvotes is rated highest and shown at the top of the thread. Creating social media ads on Reddit is tricky, but it can be done.

Tik Tok was launched in 2016, and over three years has gained 500 million active users. Forty-one percent of users are between the ages of 18 and 24. Users create looped videos ranging between 15 and 60 seconds long where they can overlay music and audio clips onto their videos to generate dance and lip-syncing videos. Along with that, users can edit their videos on the app to apply filters, split screens, GIFs, and more.


  • Both Reddit and Tik Tok have niche audiences. Do your research before investing time and money into these social platforms, so you aren’t wasting your resources.
  • Staying on top of Tik Tok and Reddit can be time-consuming. Make sure you have the resources to establish a solid strategy before going all in.

If you’re not sure what platforms are best to utilize for your business, get in touch with the team at Front Porch Solutions. We are happy to help establish a comprehensive digital marketing strategy tailored to your needs.

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