How to Use Google Q&A for Your Business

By Jenny Arundel

5 min read

In August of 2017, Google rolled out a new question and answer feature for business owners and customers alike called Google Q&A. Though still a relatively new feature, Google Q&A can be a great additional resource for your small business. To leverage Google Q&A, learn more about the feature from the experts at Front Porch Solutions.

What is Google Q&A?

Since its start as an additional feature on Google Maps, Google Q&A can now be found on business’ local listings in search results as well. Underneath your business information such as your phone number, address, hours, etc., you’ll now see both Google Reviews and a question and answer section.

Similar to reviews, Google Q&A is designed to help potential customers access quick information about your business. Website visitors can ask questions about your business, and other visitors, as well as business owners, can offer answers.

How to Manage New Questions

Once someone asks a question about your business, you’ll receive a notification through the Google My Business account associated with the company. To ensure you receive notifications about newly-asked questions, confirm the notifications are checked in your Google My Business settings. To turn this notification on, log in to your Google My Business account and click “Settings,” then check the box next to “Questions and Answers.”

How to Answer Questions

You should always do your best to answer every question asked through Google Q&A about your business. To answer a question, follow these steps:

Answering Questions in Google Maps

  1. Open the Google Maps app
  2. Search for your business
  3. Tap the name of your business
  4. Select “See all questions” under “Questions and Answers”
  5. Locate the question you’d like to answer and select “Answer”

    google maps with location pin

Answering Questions in Google Search

  1. Open Google and search for your business
  2. Locate “Questions and Answers” in your listings and select “See all questions”
  3. Locate the question you’d like to answer and select “Answer”

You can also modify or remove any answer you write by selecting “More” and “Edit or Delete.”

Upvoting Helpful Questions and Answers

In addition to regularly monitoring your listing for new questions, be sure to pay special attention to particularly helpful questions or answers. If you come across a well-written reply or a frequently asked question about your business, consider upvoting or “liking” it. Upvoting the content will result in it appearing at the top of your Q&A section, increasing visibility. To upvote a question or answer, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the question or answer you’d like to highlight
  2. Tap the thumbs-up image next to the question or answer

Keep in mind that Google Q&A is mainly designed to benefit consumers. With the consumer as the top-priority, questions and answers written by consumers or local guides will typically take precedence over the content published by the business owner. The best way to make certain content you want to be seen first is displayed near the top is to get several “likes” on your questions or answers.

The Importance of Responding to Questions

Similar to the importance of your responding to your online reviews, answering questions asked through Google Q&A should also be top-priority to managing your business’ online presence. Keep in mind that those who took the time to ask questions about your business are likely interested in your services and could become customers depending on whether they receive a quality answer.

illustration of questions listed

In addition to responding to questions out of courtesy, you should also see your answers as opportunities to spread helpful information about your business. Anyone can answer questions asked through Google Q&A. Do your part in making sure accurate information is provided to those inquiring. As the owner, you’re sure to know best about every question as it pertains to your business!

How to Report Inappropriate Questions or Answers

If you happen to come across an inappropriate question, answer, or other content that goes against Google’s policies, be sure to report it. If Google reviews the material in question and deems it inappropriate, spam-like, or finds that it doesn’t comply with its policies in any other way, the content will be removed. To report a question or answer, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the question or answer you’d like to report
  2. Select “Report Question” or “Report Answer”

Have more questions about managing your business’ Google Q&A feature? We’d be happy to help! Reach out to the Front Porch Solutions team for more information.

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