How to Post a COVID-19 Update on Google My Business

By Erin DeLong

5 min read

If you’re like most business owners in the United States, you’ve likely made some adjustments to your day-to-day business operations during the coronavirus pandemic for the safety of both your customers and staff. And now, thanks to Google My Business, it’s easier than ever before to share what those adjustments are online so that customers know what they can expect before visiting your business. By publishing a COVID Google Post to your business profile, a prominent “COVID-19 updates from business” message will appear in your Knowledge Panel. Continue reading to learn how your business can easily post a COVID-19 update on Google My Business listings to keep customers informed.

6 Impossibly Simple Steps to Share Your COVID Update on GMB

Whether you’re limiting the number of customers in your store, temporarily closed, requiring masks, or taking additional safety precautions, you can share your business’ COVID-19 update on Google My Business (GMB) under the platform’s new post type.  Here’s how to add a COVID-19 Google Post in six insanely simple steps.

  1. Login to your GMB Business Profile.
  2. Click “Create post” on the Home dashboard.
  3. Select the “COVID-19 update” tab at the top of the window that appears.
  4. Type your message, keeping in mind the 1,500 character limit on Google Posts.
  5. Select a call to action button, like Learn more or Call now, if you wish.
  6. Click “Publish.”

It’s as simple as that! Now, when users search for your business on Google’s search engine, your message will appear under a section called “COVID-19 updates from business” on your GMB Knowledge Panel. Please note that posts may take several minutes to appear on the Knowledge Panel.

Other GMB Updates to Help Your Business During the Pandemic

In addition to COVID-19 posts, GMB has also rolled out several other GMB COVID features that can help businesses communicate changes and stay afloat during these uncertain times.

  • Get Support from Customers during COVID-19

One of the most notable new features GMB added during the pandemic is the option to ask users for support. This option allows you to add a message asking customers to buy gift cards or donate to help your business survive the pandemic. The feature includes the ability to add gift card and donation links to your message. Google has even provided some sample messaging if you’re unsure or uncomfortable producing your own content.

  • Update Service Availability

Depending on what type of business you own, you may have temporarily switched your service offerings. Some common ways local businesses have altered services during the COVID era include curbside pickup, online appointments, special hours for senior shoppers, takeout only, and temporary closures. Be sure your GMB listing reflects these changes by answering the service availability questionnaire.

  • Update Business Hours

Although you’ve always managed operating hours on GMB, the option to update business hours has been moved to a more prominent place under the COVID-19 module on the Home dashboard. If you’ve changed your hours of operation during COVID or closed entirely, it’s imperative that you reflect those changes on GMB.

Thanks to Google, it’s never been easier to manage your online presence during a pandemic. Take advantage of these new features to regularly share business updates over the coming months and keep users informed.

illustration of a store with store hours on the front

While you’re in your GMB profile, be sure to review all of your other business information to ensure its accuracy, including your phone number, address, website, and appointment links. Also, spend a few minutes responding to Google reviews, answering Google Q&A’s, and adding new photos of your business. Not only does having accurate, consistent listings help customers, but it also helps improve your local SEO.

For help managing your GMB and other directory listings, contact the digital marketing experts at Front Porch Solutions! We’ve helped hundreds of small businesses manage their online presence during the pandemic, and can help you too.

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